Chandra Clark, PhD:
Professor, Producer, Multimedia Journalist
Staten Island: Avolio-Gatti Family
Staten Island: Hurricane Sandy's Impact on two families
On Staten Island, the Avolio and Gatti family lost their family home of more than 30 years. Watch this video to see how flood waters from Hurricane Sandy and its storm surge caused hundreds to salvage what they could and find a new place to live this winter. TCF Student Ashley Swafford and I shot, edited, and produced this package because this family showed us how families stay together even through disasters.
To help the Avolio family, contact Chandra Clark at chandra.clark@ua.edu.
University of Alabama Professor Dr. Chandra Clark and senior Ashley Swafford met Samantha Avolio on Staten Island while working for the National Association of Broadcasters. Samantha had lived in her home with her parents Marge and Michael Gatti for more than 30 years. Samantha's husband, John, is a police officer. She has a five year old son named John and a 9 year old daughter named Gianna. Samantha's family of four and her two brothers Anthony and Dennis Gatti lived in the home at the time Hurricane Sandy came ashore. They are all starting their lives over like so many others in the area. You can read more about their story in the articles section beside the video.