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Creative Production

To create a story, you must first know your topic and do the research. For my creative productions, you will see a variety of projects from big to small, from long-form to short-form, and they all start with me researching the topics in the field, online, and with the people involved.  I always start by covering every question I think a viewer would ask or want to know and I preinterview my subjects so they know my intentions and feel comfortable sharing a part of their life with me. I have created all types of stories on my own, with collaborators, with teams of colleagues, and with teams of students. Every situation is different, but I am always front and center leading the path of creative work that results in quality production. Below you will see a variety of one-time productions and under the "Productions" tab, you will see major works that involved week, months, and years of layers of production.

T: 205-348-2697

© 2022 Chandra Clark

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