Chandra Clark, PhD:
Professor, Producer, Multimedia Journalist
MC 495:International Creativity & Media
Study Abroad in France
This is a special topics course which focused on various aspects of creating media in preparation for the Cannes Lions Festival in southern France and documenting and reflecting on the study abroad program while we spent one week in Paris, France. I taught students how to edit videos, create a professional online social media presence with their photography, and create a multimedia portfolio.

Paris, France
This was my third time to visit Paris, but my first to teach abroad. The students from UA were fantastic, professional, and so interested in learning that the 17 gave us absolutely no problems. We had a great learning experience together of Paris' culture, traditions, and landmarks.

Cannes Lions International
Festival of Creativity
This five-day international festival is the largest gathering in creative marketing community. Executives and CEOs of major companies such as Nike, Pepsi, Mastercard, and many more joined actors and actresses such as Ryan Reynolds and Paris Hilton to share their success and inspire others to create content that makes a difference. Our group also watched as girls' education activist Malala Yousafzai was honored with the LionHeart Award at one of the Lions' Awards Nights.

Social Media Aggregation
To help the students express themselves through social media, I had them take photos and post at least 10 social media items from Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook, and aggregate their social media on Wakelet. It gave them an outlet to be creative and share what they learned while in Paris and in Cannes. Each student produced two of them to accompany the two videos they created. They used these along with their photos to populate their portfolios.